Still, Hung up on Your Fitness Journey?
Sometimes setting out to achieve one goal along your fitness journey, may mean that you will be detracted from another.
Or, perhaps your goals may have been a bit more than you could have handled. And it’s taken you a vast amount of time to realise it. It's okay to pare down so you can focus your energy on that which matters to you. You most likely are thinking about shelving a select few. For now...
A Way Forward
Here’s one way to do it.
It’s not about making one or two a priority, then set off.
Trying to decide which goals you care about the most, may see you still fail. Figuring out which New Year’s resolution to shelve or double-down on doesn’t hinge exclusively on their importance to you. But, perhaps looking towards which one is most achievable to you.
Just because it may seem easy to you, doesn’t detract from the fact that it's ambitious.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, had the resolution to run a total of 365 miles over the course of that year. He reached that mark in July.
Three factors can increase your likelihood of success:
Size up your goals to the same criteria
Break your goal down into small steps. When you try and tackle all your goals at once, you’re playing with so many variables that you may fall short of achieving some. Keep your goals simple and positive; adding in one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables to your plate to change your entire diet. Making your new habit stick won’t be easy. Many strategies that could work for one person, may not work for another.
Change one habit to achieve your goal
Don’t try to adopt more than one habit in order to be successful. Reaching your goal could be just to change one thing you're already doing. When you start small and take baby steps, it makes a world of difference
Tell others, regardless!
If your changes are a bit personal or rather embarrassing to discuss with others, you may face a long journey to achieve your goals. Share what you’re going to set out to achieve and a community will find you. Or, you can find a community to help you and make you accountable.
Decisively Indecisive
Deciding which goals and obstacles are easiest to eliminate will give you enough momentum to take on the next. Maybe there is a great goal you’ve set your sights on, but the days go by. But, you awaken to the fact there are some serious obstacles to knock down before making progress. Or, something's unexpected happens. These can throw a wrench into your works.
At the time of figuring out which goals to dump, make a list of reasons (or excuses) for why you haven't made progress. Then determine which is most intractable, which would make the greatest effort or may wreak havoc in your life, and determine which wouldn’t be hard to eliminate (reasons and excuses that is!)
Creating this list of obstacles that are in your way is one step closer than before!

Emotional Intelligence
Starting your journey off with a positive attitude will set you up for success, regardless of your goals. But if you are falling short of your goals, your attitude can begin to take a dive. Don’t let it.
Regularly check yourself, once a week, once every two weeks, maybe a month. And do it with a coach! Grant yourself the flexibility and freedom to set yourself up for success to achieve your goals. Your goals can change or decrease in priority, but your mindset needs to remain positive.
People with an optimistic outlook tend to make money. And having a positive attitude can be self-reinforcing, especially in achieving your goal. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who can help and support you can insulate you from negative people.
Your Gut Feels
If you feel more optimistic in achieving one resolution over another, it won’t hurt to go after that one either.
If you feel that you need help on your fitness journey, book here for your complimentary phone consult on your fitness goals today!